They are both Victorian style homes.
They are both incredibly ornate and colorful.
They are both large and beautiful... the difference?
The one on the top is over 100 years old while the bottom one is brand new.
I know I wouldn't have any problem living in either one, they both look like they were built (and rebuilt) well and their architecture is stunning!
So my question is this... Which one is better?
I know it took a lot of work on both homes to get them in the condition they are in today.
On the bottom one a team of designers, builders, carpenters,etc... worked hard to erect this stunning home from the ground up. I know it was no easy task, but the finished product is amazing.
On the other hand the top home probably took an equal amount of time, effort and money (if not more) to be restored. Where the new home was raised by top-notch builders, the older home needed restoration experts.
Two different homes, two different jobs, two different types of laborers... equally stunning results!
I have many young pastor friends who are doing great jobs planting Churches all over the world. I am so thankful they answered the call of God to go and be builders... much like the new home they are building from the ground up. This is no easy task and I am grateful for their sacrifice...
What about the restorers? As our younger pastors are following God's call to plant and build churches, where are the men to come in to existing churches and lead out in revitalizing those congregations?
When I look at the two houses above I see one thing for sure... they are both amazingly beautiful homes!
Building or restoring... either one... the goal is a beautiful Church that is rooted in the foundational principles of Jesus Christ.
Thank you God for calling me to the work of restoration. Please call more men to step into the existing pulpits and challenge churches to rise-up and display Your glory! May we pastors always be leading out in the work of building/restoring your churches.
Awesome stuff brother! Prayin for you and your work for the Lord in Longview!