Just finished the much publicized book "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick. If you don't know Pastor Furtick is the young pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in America - Elevation Church in Charlotte NC.
Basically, if you haven't read the book, the theme is what he dubs "audacious faith." He asserts that Joshua's prayer in Joshua 10 (found in the paragraph below) can be applied to our lives and we don't see supernatural things from God because we don't pray audacious enough prayers... but if we do pray these audacious prayers, God may not always answer them and that is okay too. (?)
“The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel.” (Joshua 10:13b-14)
The idea of bold and audacious prayer is a Biblical concept and I believe Furtick is genuine is his belief that God has worked amazingly in Elevation Church as a result of this type of prayer.
Some of my takeaway from the book...
- "Seizing his big purpose for your life is not just about figuring out what God wants from you and getting down to business. It’s about becoming intimately acquainted with who Jesus is. It’s about mining the depths of who you are in him.”
- “How will God accomplish the impossible vision he has planted in your heart? By his grace—and through your willingness to sacrifice your life for the sake of Jesus.”
- "Time can talk you out of your dreams. Routine can weaken your propensity toward audacity."
- "I despair at the thought that my life might slip by without seeing God show himself mightily on our behalf" (This quote is one Furtick used that is from "Fresh Wind Fresh Fire" -Jim Cymbala)
- "I am not raising my kids to survive the world. I'm raising them to change it"
- "Rules without revelation result in rebellion"
*Side note: if you get sick of hearing "catch phrase" type words used over and over again, you will be sick of the word "audacious" before the 3rd chapter.
Final anaylasis: The book was good but not great. I have heard Furtick preach this subject, and honestly I think I gained more take-away from the spoken messages. I know it must be a rule that all mega-church pastors have to write a book, but that doesn't mean all should.
On a 1-10 scale I give it a respectable 6 ;)
ReplyDeleteI totally just heard his podcast on this same subject and was thinking about getting the book. haha
You sir, rock also!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a fair guy! :) Love ya brother and pray adaciously that God blows up Longview in a crazy God kind of way!! - Billy