Manifesto - A public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives.

Manifesto - A public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lessons on Leadership from Jesus - #1 Do hard things

As a leader, it is so easy to just take the easy route. Just like anything else, we want to follow the path of least resistance. This is something that I have to fight against every day.

But when I look at the example Jesus left me as a leader, I see something very different...

He did the hard things!

Jesus was focused to the point of tunnel vision on accomplishing His mission in this world. I, for one, am glad that Jesus didn't base His ministry on opinion polls and popularity contests.

Doing the hard things simply means that we don't let things like public opinion, a little sweat, or a little extra effort keep us from doing what our gut, spirit, and instinct (God's leading) is telling us to do.

I love that Jesus was willing to stand alone to accomplish His Fathers will. He "set His face towards Jerusalem" knowing His death would be the consequence.

We as leaders must have more than vision and communications skills... we must also have resolve!

Jesus did the hard things!

Are you willing to do the hard things? Even if it means standing alone?

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