We all answer to someone! As leaders (especially spiritual leaders) we all answer to The Father for how we use our gift of leadership.
As a matter of fact, our problems begin as leaders when we fail to submit to The Father who has total authority over us.
Jesus knew who His boss was and He was quick to communicate with Him regularly. It is as if Jesus had a window straight to The Father that he could open at any time and speak directly to The Father.
As leaders there are a few things we need to do to keep in constant contact regularly...
#1 - Seek to please God first.
Don't let the temptation of people pleasing, or worse, self pleasing to come before God pleasing.
#2 - Pray.
Jesus was God! Yet time and time again he went to The Father in prayer asking for guidance. If Jesus needed prayer time with The Father... well... it goes without saying that we probably do to!
#3 - Listen.
Open up your ears, eyes and most importantly your heart and hear what God is saying to you. God has many ways of showing us what His will is for our lives and our leadership. If we are seeking Him we will have no trouble hearing Him. If you are seeking an answer but God seems to be silent... then wait! God will reveal His will to you in His Time. Stay in The Word, Pray, and listen!
Make sure your leadership is ruled by windows and not mirrors.
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